How Much Does EPAT Cost?

Pricing for Shockwave Therapy

EPAT costs $450 for one foot or $650 for both feet. This covers all 5 treatment sessions. This technology is not billable through state or commercial insurance, and we take payment for the package at the time of scheduling. 

Treatment Schedule

The first three EPAT treatments will be spaced out one week apart from eachother. Three weeks after your third treatment, we will see you back for the fourth treatment. After another three weeks, you'll have your fifth and final treatment. Finally, you'll come in for a follow-up visit with Dr. Dailey to check your progress and provide additional advice. You should plan on each visit lasting around thirty minutes, including your follow-up with the Doctor. 

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology (EPAT) is a new, state-of-the-art, nonsurgical treatment for heel pain. Appointments are available now! Give us a call at 989-695-6788 or fill out our online contact form. The sooner you make your appointment, the sooner you can get back to enjoying the activities you love without stubborn heel pain! 

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